In our bookbinding practice we aim to create books which are characterized by function, sustainability, and that special sensory feeling one gets from touching properly made books!
We do not currently offer any bookbinding services other than selling our own notebooks and sketchbooks. We are however open to creative collaboration! If you have an idea for a future collaboration, send us an email at
A traditional craft
The craft of bookbinding has been around for more than 1800 years, and the practice of binding still follow many of the traditional steps. At Svartbrun we hand sew all our books, yielding a contemporary, functional and durable product with the same historical finesse which has made people fall in love with books for centuries.
For us, sustainability and durability through quality are closely linked. Working in preservation as our main occupation, we are able to study objects that have stood the test of time every day. We are constantly amazed over how well certain materials age, some in fact seem to take advantage of gaining some patina. This knowledge is incorporated when choosing techniques and materials for our books.
Even though we are inspired and taught by tradition, our aim is not to make old style books. We aim to make books that are uniquely our style, and relevant today!